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Why you Should be Tracking your Menstrual Cycle

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

It's no surprise really that as a women's only trainer this is top of the list for my clients. Our hormones fluctuate so much throughout the course of a month that it sometimes feel like they are the ones in charge. This being so, I'm always a little surprised to hear how few of my ladies actually track their cycle and are unaware of which of the common frustrations have their roots in the ebb and flow of our hormones.

For many of us, our monthly cycles can have a huge effect on our lives from day to day from physical niggles to mental health whether we're aware of it or not. The fact that many of my ladies feel the effects of their fluctuating hormones and are not aware of their menstrual cycle is a huge indicator that we need to raise awareness around this topic. To normalise the discussion of it and to share the message that periods and a woman's fluctuation in hormones throughout her cycle and her LIFESPAN is not taboo. It is natural. The more we know, the more we are able to understand and the more effectively we can manage what our bodies do every. single. month from puberty to menopause.

So what actually happens over the course of a month when it comes to our hormones? How can this affect our day to day? And what hormones am I even talking about?

In terms of what society expects us to be, the Follicular Phase (the first part) is really where the party is at. With typically higher levels of Oestrogen and rising levels of Testosterone nearer to Ovulation this phase is what you may refer to as the point when you are "finally feeling like myself again" and being more able to manage the challenges of daily life and the expectations of our ever busy modern culture. This phase hangs around for about 2 weeks and then the Luteal Phase rocks up to ruin the party. Now, I know I sound down on the Luteal Phase and that's because it brings with it those classic symptoms of PMT that are undeniably crap, however it does have some redeeming qualities so stick with me as I break it down further. By using the analogy of the 4 seasons of the year (taken from the book Period Power by Maisie Hill an absolute must read if you're interested in understanding and managing your hormones) we can shed some light on not just the 2 phases but the two main events of the year, Ovulation and Menstruation. So here we go: Winter: This is menstruation. Classed as Day 1 of your cycle so it's a good place to start. For some of us this doesn't feel like a fresh new start as it can be an uncomfortable time coupled with low energy. It sometimes feels like a pause which is understandable. Your body is putting significant effort into shedding the lining of your uterus so cut yourself some slack and take the rest you need. Hormone levels are low, Mother Nature is basically demanding you partake in some self-care and we don't mess with her; she's a badass. By resting and taking time for yourself now, you may gain some clarity of how you want to focus your energies come Spring. Think of this time as an investment. Spring: This is a transitional time that arrives when you finish your period and are leading up to the main event Ovulation. During this time your Oestrogen levels start to rise and you might feel a sense of relief that your period and the symptoms associated with it are over. Your energy levels rise, your skin clears up and when you look in the mirror you might think DAYUM who's this sexy lady staring back? You may also wonder how you can feel THIS GOOD when just last week you felt like some kind of orc from middle earth (maybe that's just me!). Just the simple fact of knowing that this is the natural ebb and flow of your hormones can help. I take comfort during my period, aka Winter, knowing that Spring is just around the corner. That I'll soon be feeling more energetic and sociable. It helps me to lean into those cosy winter vibes and accept the slower pace as well as to fully embrace the Spring when it arrives. Summer: This is ovulation. A time when our Oestrogen hits its peak and Testosterone rocks up on the scene. This is the highlight, we feel more confident, are better communicators and take more risks. This is all set up cleverly by nature who basically just wants us to get laid and carry on the species. (A little crass but true.) So hey, why not harness it? Roll with these vibes and enjoy yourself... as we know, Summer doesn't last year round. Autumn: This is your Luteal Phase. Winter is coming and suddenly Jon Snow doesn't seem that fit anymore. See you later Oestrogen and farewell Testosterone. It's Progesterone's turn to take the wheel and this lady is not interested in your Summer antics. She wants to take care of business and get shit done for when winter arrives. She might make you feel like you want to tie up loose ends, cleanse your environment and finish projects as she arrives. This can be really useful so roll with it because soon you will feel her hit the peak and energy levels will drop. As we hit the half-way point we might also feel those classic PMS symptoms such as irritability, bloating and the like. Know that these will ease when Winter arrives and relief is just around the corner. ...and before we know it, it's Winter again. Get the hot water bottle. So there we have it! The 4 Seasons of your Menstrual Cycle. As you can see our hormones fluctuate a lot over the course of the month. Armed with this knowledge you can use it to your advantage. With each shift you can adapt your behaviour, schedule and mindset to harness the elements of each season and use them to your advantage. Whatever season you're in now, what can you do for yourself to ensure the rest of the year runs smoothly? If you need to rest in winter so you can have a great Spring, DO IT. If you need to be productive in Summer so you CAN rest in Winter, do it! And if you need to take some time for yourself in Autumn to look within to figure out what your needs even are then that's a great start. Look after yourselves ladies. Knowing your cycle is a brilliant first step in knowing yourself and prioritising your self-care. So get tracking!

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Unknown member
Jun 10, 2020

Here we are ladies


Unknown member
Jun 09, 2020

I would be interested in the menopause book please if you can ping me the title? x


Unknown member
Jun 09, 2020

I will certainly do a post about menopause. I've got a great book recommendation I can ping to you if you're interested. Once the studio opens you can borrow it from the library there! X


Unknown member
Jun 04, 2020

I’ve heard about this on a podcast but it was great to be reminded and read through . Yes would be great to find out about the menopause

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