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My Favourite Green Smoothie Recipe

With these warmer days sprinkled in I've been getting back into my Green Smoothies. Well that and because I'm super lazy when it comes to eating vegetables and I feel so much better when I get all those micronutrients in my bod! For me, smoothies are the quickest and easiest way to get 1-2 servings of veg in before noon! So let's get to it.

You'll need:

A blender, a super cool trendy mason jar and a straw. Or you could drink it straight out of the blender but who would do that? (Me.. I would do that...)

- 1 cup of frozen pineapple

- 1 banana

- 1/3 Cucumber

- 2 Big Handfuls Spinach

- 1 Lime, juiced

- 1 nub of ginger

- Water to cover (or if you like it sweeter then apple juice)

Blitz it. Drink it. Feel virtuous & crack on with your day!

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Unknown member
Feb 27, 2021

Wow ! I love smoothies , often use coconut milk and some water .

Unknown member
Apr 05, 2021
Replying to

Ohh yes I love coconut water. Anything coconut in fact!!

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